What are the best techniques for teaching spoken English to kids?

When it comes to teaching spoken English to kids, employing interactive and engaging techniques is key to fostering effective language acquisition. Incorporating activities like storytelling, role-playing, and songs into lessons can make learning enjoyable and memorable for young learners. Utilizing visual aids such as flashcards and educational videos further reinforces vocabulary and comprehension skills. Additionally, creating an immersive English-speaking environment at home or in the classroom can accelerate language learning. By integrating these techniques into language instruction, educators and parents can offer valuable insights into best practices for teaching spoken English to kids.

Here are some more effective techniques for teaching spoken English to kids, along with examples:


  1. Total Physical Response (TPR):
    • Example: Using gestures and actions to teach vocabulary. For instance, when teaching the word “jump,” the teacher or parent can demonstrate the action of jumping, and the child can imitate.
  2. Storytelling:
    • Example: Reading age-appropriate storybooks aloud and discussing the plot, characters, and events in English. This helps children learn new words and phrases in context while enjoying the story.
  3. Role-Playing:
    • Example: Encouraging children to pretend-play different scenarios, such as ordering food in a restaurant or playing doctor and patient. This allows them to practice conversational English in a fun and interactive way.
  4. Songs and Rhymes:
    • Example: Singing English songs and nursery rhymes with catchy tunes and repetitive lyrics. This helps children remember words and phrases more easily and improves pronunciation.
  5. Language Games:
    • Example: Playing games like “Simon Says” or “I Spy” in English, where children have to follow instructions or identify objects based on descriptions. This makes learning enjoyable and reinforces vocabulary and comprehension skills.
  6. Flashcards and Visual Aids:
    • Example: Using flashcards with pictures and words to introduce and reinforce vocabulary. Pairing the word “cat” with a picture of a cat helps children associate the word with its meaning visually.
  7. Real-Life Conversations:
    • Example: Engaging children in everyday conversations in English, such as asking about their day, discussing their interests, or talking about their favorite toys or activities. This provides authentic language practice and builds confidence in speaking.
  8. Interactive Multimedia:
    • Example: Using educational apps, videos, or online games designed for young learners to supplement language learning. These interactive resources can make learning engaging and cater to different learning styles.
  9. Language Immersion:
    • Example: Creating an English-speaking environment at home or in the classroom by labeling objects, using English during daily routines, and exposing children to English media like cartoons or storybooks.
  10. Feedback and Positive Reinforcement:
    • Example: Providing constructive feedback and praise when children use English correctly or make progress. Positive reinforcement encourages them to continue practicing and builds their confidence in speaking.

By incorporating these techniques into English language teaching for kids, educators and parents can make the learning process enjoyable, effective, and engaging.