Children’s Stories

Stories are more than just words; they’re the heartbeats of our lives, connecting us, motivating us, and shaping our communication skills. Introduce your child to the power of storytelling early on, fostering empathy and creativity. Our curated curriculum and captivating tales will ignite their imagination and build lifelong skills.

Reading Stages

Pre-Reading Stage (Birth - 6)
  • Importance: This stage occurs from birth to around age 6. It involves exposure to language through listening, speaking, and interacting with books and print materials.
  • Why It’s Important: During this stage, children develop foundational language skills, vocabulary, and phonological awareness. They also learn about the structure of books and how to handle them properly, setting the stage for future reading success.

Emergent Reading Stage (5 - 7)

  • Importance: This stage typically occurs between ages 5 and 7. Children start recognizing letters, understanding basic phonics principles, and making connections between letters and sounds.
  • Why It’s Important: Emergent readers begin to decode words and understand simple texts. They develop fluency, comprehension skills, and a love for reading. This stage lays the groundwork for more advanced reading abilities.

Early Reading (6-9)


  • Importance: Around ages 6 to 9, children enter the early reading stage. They become proficient at decoding words, reading simple sentences, and comprehending basic texts.
  • Why It’s Important: Early readers build confidence as they tackle more challenging texts independently. They expand their vocabulary, develop comprehension strategies, and explore different genres and topics. This stage fosters a lifelong love of reading and lays the foundation for academic success.


Fluent Reading (9-12)
  • Importance: By ages 9 to 12, children transition to fluent readers. They can read with ease, accuracy, and understanding across a variety of texts.
  • Why It’s Important: Fluent readers delve into more complex texts, analyzing themes, characters, and plot structures. They develop critical thinking skills, empathy, and cultural awareness through

Guided Reading Levels

1.Novice 4. Curious
2.Aquaintance 5.Explorer
3. Aware 6. Voracious

Why children shouldn’t miss these stages?

  • Each stage of reading development builds upon the previous one, forming a strong literacy foundation.
  • Missing any stage can lead to gaps in reading skills and hinder academic progress.
  • Reading is not only essential for academic success but also for personal growth, creativity, and lifelong learning.
  • By experiencing each stage of reading, children develop a deep appreciation for literature, expand their imagination, and broaden their understanding of the world.

Guided Reading levels in each stage:

Open the pages, let your imagination soar, for in the world of stories, there’s always something more.

Guided Reading Levels

1.Novice 4. Curious
2.Aquaintance 5.Explorer
3. Aware 6. Voracious