Creative Writing


Enrol your child today and open the door to a world of knowledge, imagination, and endless opportunities through creative writing!

Key Features of Our Creative Writing Course for Children:

    1. Engaging Curriculum: Our course is designed to captivate young minds and foster a love for writing through interactive lessons and creative activities.
    2. Experienced Instructors: Our experienced instructors are passionate about nurturing young writers and providing personalized guidance and feedback throughout the course.
    3. Exploration of Various Genres: From short stories to poetry, our course covers a range of genres to encourage creativity and help children discover their writing interests.
    4. Skill Development: Children will learn essential writing skills such as character development, plot structure, descriptive language, and more, empowering them to express themselves effectively through writing.
    5. Inspiring Writing Prompts: Our course includes a variety of inspiring writing prompts and exercises to spark creativity and encourage children to explore their imagination.
    6. Peer Collaboration: Children will have the opportunity to collaborate with their peers, share their writing, and provide feedback in a supportive and encouraging environment.
    7. Publication Opportunities: Selected works from our course may have the opportunity to be featured in publications or shared with the community, giving children a sense of accomplishment and recognition for their writing efforts.
    8. Flexible Learning Options: Whether in-person or online, our course offers flexible learning options to accommodate busy schedules and ensure accessibility for all children interested in honing their writing skills.
    9. Celebration of Achievements: We celebrate each child’s progress and achievements throughout the course, fostering confidence and pride in their writing abilities.
    10. Inspiration and Empowerment: Our goal is to inspire and empower children to express themselves creatively, cultivate their unique voices, and become confident and skilled writers.

Course Structure:

Session Duration:     30 mins

Sessions happen on: Thrice a week

Course duration:       Two months

Class Strength:           Max 5 students


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