Young Orators: Public Speaking Adventure


Course Description: Young Orators: Public Speaking Adventure is an engaging and interactive course designed to empower children to become confident and effective public speakers. Through a combination of fun activities, practical exercises, and supportive feedback, children will develop essential public speaking skills, build self-confidence, and learn to express themselves with clarity and conviction.

Course Objectives:

  1. Build confidence and self-esteem in speaking in front of an audience.
  2. Develop effective communication skills, including voice projection, articulation, and body language.
  3. Learn to organize and structure speeches for maximum impact and audience engagement.
  4. Explore different types of speeches, such as persuasive, informative, and storytelling.
  5. Provide opportunities for children to practice speaking in various settings, including solo presentations and group discussions.


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Session Structure

Sessions Duration: 30 mins

No. of sessions per week: Thrice a week

No. of sessions in one month: 12

Sessions Time: Anytime between 8:00 AM to10:00 PM

Class strength: Max 5 Students

Fee: 3540 per 12 sessions

Course Structure:

Introduction to Public Speaking:

  • Overview of the course objectives and introduction to the importance of public speaking skills.
  • Icebreaker activities to help children get to know each other and build rapport.
  • Introduction to basic public speaking techniques, such as eye contact, posture, and vocal variety.

Speech Preparation and Delivery:

  • Understanding the elements of a successful speech, including introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Practical exercises to help children brainstorm and organize their ideas for speeches.
  • Individual and group practice sessions to rehearse and refine speech delivery techniques.

Exploring Different Speech Types:

  • Introduction to different types of speeches, such as persuasive, informative, and storytelling.
  • Guided exercises to help children understand the characteristics and purposes of each speech type.
  • Opportunities for children to prepare and deliver speeches of their choice, focusing on specific speech types.

Overcoming Fear and Nervousness:

  • Strategies for managing anxiety and overcoming fear of public speaking.
  • Role-playing exercises and confidence-building activities to help children feel more comfortable speaking in front of an audience.
  • Encouragement and support from peers and instructors to boost self-confidence and self-assurance.

Showcase and Celebration:

  • Final showcase event where children have the opportunity to deliver their prepared speeches in front of an audience of family and friends.
  • Celebration and recognition of children’s achievements and progress throughout the course.
  • Reflection on the skills learned and goals achieved, as well as opportunities for feedback and further development.

Course Benefits:

  • Develop confidence and self-esteem in public speaking.
  • Improve communication skills, including voice projection, articulation, and body language.
  • Enhance critical thinking and organizational skills through speech preparation and delivery.
  • Foster creativity and self-expression through storytelling and persuasive speaking.
  • Provide a supportive and encouraging environment for children to develop their public speaking abilities.

Join Young Orators: Public Speaking Adventure and embark on a journey of self-discovery, confidence-building, and communication mastery!





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